Wednesday, October 9, 2024

October 2024 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family,

Greetings from rainy Costa Rica! We are now in the rainiest and most humid time of the year! Last month, we asked you to pray for the “Day of the Bible” outreach. We had about 15 people come out, and we gave out around 700 tracts. We have also continued our regular evangelism every Saturday with about 4-10 people. We have seen a couple of new families visit the church. One Saturday, we had a group from the church go to visit a sick lady to pray for her and encourage her in the Lord. Jeremy has continued his sermon series on church membership with a variety of messages. In the beginning of October, we started our first missions emphasis month. Jeremy will be teaching and preaching on missions. We are also speaking with other Costa Rican church planters about possibly coming to present their ministry to the church. We are also planning to teach the church about the blessings of giving towards missions. Michelle has stayed busy teaching and coordinating the children’s ministry. She is also planning a misisons-themed ladies activity. We will have a youth activity that same day. Apart from all of the church ministry, Jeremy also preached the chapel at the language school in early October and is also teaching a 5-session Bible class at the high school. It has been very busy, but God is doing a great work and we are thankful to have a part in it!

Last month, we celebrated Lila’s 13th birthday. Within a few days, we will celebrate Ellie’s 11th birthday! Both of our girls have done so well adapting to the challenges of life on the mission field. We are so proud of them! Last month, we wrote how the principal of Lila’s old school expressed how much of a positive influence she was. Well, the Lord worked it out that Lila would be able to continue attending the school. God is good! We also mentioned how we received notification that Elijah was approved for permanent residency. Since then, we have received approval for the rest of the family. We have completed the last step, and we are now awaiting our new permanent resident ID cards within the next few weeks. This is the end of a long process and significant cost, but it is a major accomplishment for us that will help us to have a long-term impact through our ministry in Costa Rica.

As we look forward to the rest of the month, please pray for the following requests:

1. That God will protect and care for all who are affected by the recent hurricanes.

2. That God will continue to guide us and use us for His glory here in Costa Rica

3. That God will save more souls and add them to the church.

In Christ,

Jeremy, Michelle, Lila, Ellowyn, and Elijah Blanz

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