Friday, August 28, 2015

September 2015 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family,

August was a good month for us here in Nicaragua. During our door to door evangelism, we saw 7 people receive Christ as Savior. On Wednesday nights, we are teaching a series on the doctrine of salvation, and several more now have assurance of salvation. We are also doing a Discipleship series on Sunday nights, as well as in the homes of those who are new believers. On August 15th, we also hosted a children's outreach campaign in cooperation with a church from Managua. We saw 110-120 people who came out for this event. While we are seeing a gradual increase in adult attendance, the attendance of children has skyrocketed! Due to size constraints, we had to launch a second kids class which is also at capacity. Many of our children are very faithful, attend 3 services per week, and have been bringing in friends and family. We are so thankful that the Lord has blessed our church with these children. Some of the youth are now helping out in these classes. This next month, we will begin a focused effort to reach the parents and families of these children.

Each month, we are becoming more and more adjusted to life in Nicaragua. Before each service, Lila enjoys giving out tracts to people who pass by the church. She is also making friends with the other children who attend. Both Lila and Ellowyn are now learning the Spanish hymns and frequently sing them throughout the day. Thankfully, we are now near the end of the residency process. We have now submitted all of our documents as well as had an in home visit by residency agents. We expect to receive legal residency by the end of September.

We do have one special prayer request. In the end of the month, we received a message that Berner, our partner in Ministry, now has the Chikungunya virus which has affected many people in this area. Since then, we have had little communication. Until Berner recovers, Jeremy is now doing all of the preaching and teaching. Despite our progress in langauge learning, leading an entire service is a challenge, and we certainly need the Lord every step of the way. This month, will you please pray for the following:

1. Berner and the local population who are infected with the Chikungunya virus.
2. Our church as we begin a focused effort to reach parents and adults.
3. Spiritual growth in those who have received Christ.

In Christ,
Jeremy, Michelle, Lila, and Ellowyn Blanz

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