Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Real Life Example...

Tonight concludes an amazing missions conference at Hampton Roads Independent Baptist Church. This morning, when teaching the children in Sunday School, I used two children in a example/demonstration. One child was the messenger, and the other was the recipient of the message. The messenger refused to deliver the message to the one who needed to hear. I explained to the class that the message could be a matter of life and death (such as a warning that a snake is right behind the hearer) or a matter of eternity (such as needing to hear the Gospel). I explained how faith comes by hearing the Word of God, and it is our responsibility to carry the message of the Gospel to the world. The world will never know if we're not faithful to carry the message.  Little did I know- God had been dealing with the boy (hearer) about salvation before I ever used that demonstration. Sometime after this, in Children's church the boy talked to his teacher about being saved and received Jesus Christ as his Savior. Praise God! While God had been working in his heart before I ever met Him, God, through his Providence, allowed this child to be both a classroom and real-life example of one needing to hear the message of Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 3:7 - "So then, neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."

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