Thursday, March 6, 2025

March 2025 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family,

We hope that all of you are doing well. We are staying busy here in Costa Rica. Jeremy has been preaching on the book of Genesis. On Tuesday nights, he recently finished teaching through the book of Acts, and we are now focusing more on Bible Doctrines. We have continued in our regular evangelism efforts. In February, we saw one teenager and one young man profess faith in Christ as Savior. We also have been reworking our sound and computer system. We have set up a side table where we now have a person running the sound and slides. We have installed a new camera that will allow us to record our services and share them online. We have also purchased a sound board to allow us to improve the sound quality in both our services and recorded sermons. We are hoping to record evangelistic videos which we can share through the gospel tracts that we give out weekly. Please pray that God will allow us to reach even more people for Christ.

Over the last several months, we have requested prayer for Jeremy’s health as he was diagnosed with inguinal hernias on both the left and right side. Although they began as mostly asymptomatic, over the last few months, he has experienced more pain. In February, the doctor recommended surgery. Last Sunday, Jeremy had both hernias repaired. After one night in the hospital, he is now at home recovering. Michelle has taken on extra responsibilities to keep everything running smoothly.. Several people at church have also stepped up to help out in various ways. In the first week of March, we had a visit from our field director, Bro Terry Jones, and his wife Kaye. Unfortunately, Jeremy was not able to be there, but it was nice that he shared a message for our Tuesday night service. As for our kids, Ellowyn and Elijah are now back in school and are staying very busy. They also help out with evangelism and children’s classes at church.

We are working on our plans for the rest of the year and early 2026. We are presently working on plans for a brief furlough early next year. We will let you know as the plans progress. This month, please pray for the following:

1. For the Lord to continue to grow and strengthen the church in San Pablo.

2. For the Lord to help Jeremy as he expects to have a full recovery over the next several months.

3. For the Lord to guide us as we make plans for late 2025 and early 2026.

In Christ,

Jeremy, Michelle, Lila, Ellowyn, and Elijah Blanz

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

February 2025 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family,

We pray that this letter finds you doing well. We are thankful for your prayers and support. We are staying busy and are off to a great start to the new year. We have continued our normal ministries in the church. Jeremy is preaching through Genesis and has nearly finished teaching through Acts. Michelle coordinates our children’s ministries. We have some faithful members who are coordinating other ministries. We are planning to start a visitation ministry to better coordinate home visits. Last month, we had a youth activity with a great turnout. We are glad to see how the Lord is working in the hearts of the young people. Lord willing, we will receive some new members into the church in the next week or two. We are also planning to baptize two who have attended for over a year and have trusted Christ as their Savior. This past Sunday, we launched our third children’s class and this will allow us to minister more effectively to children of different ages. We are also working on our religious association to take care of some more legal stuff and get everything on track. We are thankful for a Christian woman who is also a lawyer who has been helping us with that.

For the last couple of months, we have spent more time with the kids as two of the three have been on their extended vacation before starting the next school year. They are now getting back to school, and we are changing gears just a little bit. Lila started school in January as her school follows the US academic calendar. She studied for her spelling bee very diligently. She won first place in her class and second place in her school. In the youth group, she shares devotionals with each day this month. Later in the month, we had a visit from a pastor friend from Nicaragua and his wife. It was good to see them and hear how the Lord is blessing their church. We are now working on our plans for the rest of the year and early next year.

As we move forward into another busy year, we ask you to join us in prayer for the following:

1 - For God's guidance as we make decisions for our family and ministry, especially with the new initiatives we are working on.
2 - For continued health and strength, as we take on many responsibilities.
3 - For the souls we are reaching, that the Holy Spirit would open hearts to the Gospel and bring lasting change.

In Christ,

Jeremy, Michelle, Lila, Ellowyn, and Elijah Blanz

Thursday, January 2, 2025

January 2025 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family,

We hope that you had a nice Christmas and a great start to the new year! December was a busy but blessed month for our family and ministry. Earlier in the month, we had our church family Christmas celebration. After that, we had a Christmas outreach event in a local community. We had a great turnout from the church and from the community. We shared the Gospel clearly with approximately 140 people. We hope that the Lord uses those relationships for further ministry in that area. Because we have our mid-week service on Tuesday nights, we had special services for both Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. Our desire is that the Lord be glorified in all that we do. It was a blessing to see several people who have not attended in a while to return to attend faithfully once again. We continue to bring the Gospel to the people of San Pablo and the Heredia area. Last week, two men professed faith in Christ as they called upon Him for salvation. We are glad to report that we are seeing more people involved in the children’s classes. We will hold a youth activity in our home. We have been preparing to make a series of Gospel-centered videos to share through a QR code on our tract. We have purchased some new equipment and are looking forward to putting it to use in the near future.

Although December was a month full of activity in our church, it was good to have the kids home on a brief vacation from school. We have been able to spend more time together each day and we sometimes take walks or go to the park together. We also had a special day to spend with Lila’s friend and her family who are missionaries in the language school. Michelle’s parents came to visit us for the week of Christmas. It was good to see them and spend some time together. We are now preparing to host our next youth event in our home before the kids get back to school. Lila will return to school on Monday. Ellowyn and Elijah have another month or so of vacation before beginning the next school year in February.

Thank you to all who sent special Christmas offerings in November and December. That really is a blessing and helps us in many ways. We expect 2025 to be a great year with much development in the church and ministry. This month, please pray…

1. That God will give us wisdom as we take the next steps with our church and its organization.

2. That God will continue to save souls and add them unto the church.

3. That we and our church will grow in faith and personal knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

In Christ,

Jeremy, Michelle, Lila, Ellowyn, and Elijah Blanz