Dear Friends and Family,
We hope that all of you are doing well. We are staying busy here in Costa Rica. Jeremy has been preaching on the book of Genesis. On Tuesday nights, he recently finished teaching through the book of Acts, and we are now focusing more on Bible Doctrines. We have continued in our regular evangelism efforts. In February, we saw one teenager and one young man profess faith in Christ as Savior. We also have been reworking our sound and computer system. We have set up a side table where we now have a person running the sound and slides. We have installed a new camera that will allow us to record our services and share them online. We have also purchased a sound board to allow us to improve the sound quality in both our services and recorded sermons. We are hoping to record evangelistic videos which we can share through the gospel tracts that we give out weekly. Please pray that God will allow us to reach even more people for Christ.
Over the last several months, we have requested prayer for Jeremy’s health as he was diagnosed with inguinal hernias on both the left and right side. Although they began as mostly asymptomatic, over the last few months, he has experienced more pain. In February, the doctor recommended surgery. Last Sunday, Jeremy had both hernias repaired. After one night in the hospital, he is now at home recovering. Michelle has taken on extra responsibilities to keep everything running smoothly.. Several people at church have also stepped up to help out in various ways. In the first week of March, we had a visit from our field director, Bro Terry Jones, and his wife Kaye. Unfortunately, Jeremy was not able to be there, but it was nice that he shared a message for our Tuesday night service. As for our kids, Ellowyn and Elijah are now back in school and are staying very busy. They also help out with evangelism and children’s classes at church.
We are working on our plans for the rest of the year and early 2026. We are presently working on plans for a brief furlough early next year. We will let you know as the plans progress. This month, please pray for the following:
1. For the Lord to continue to grow and strengthen the church in San Pablo.
2. For the Lord to help Jeremy as he expects to have a full recovery over the next several months.
3. For the Lord to guide us as we make plans for late 2025 and early 2026.
In Christ,
Jeremy, Michelle, Lila, Ellowyn, and Elijah Blanz