Monday, November 2, 2020

November 2020 Prayer Letter

 Dear Friends and Family, November 2020

Greetings from Costa Rica! We are still pushing forward in the pandemic. Last month, we took a few steps in the right direction. We have begun holding our services both in person and online. We have seen a few people come to the in person services, but not as many as we would like. We are also facing some opposition here, but we must keep moving on. But as a whole, we are still seeing some slow growth and a gradual return to pre-COVID normal. Last month, Jeremy held our first meeting for our men's ministry. There were about 10 men who attended. Michelle has continued to do ladies meetings and children's classes. Jeremy is also trying to work our visitation and evangelism ministry back to what it was. We will be looking to find a new location in the future.

As for our family, we have been doing pretty well. It is sometimes hard to keep pushing against all things things working against us, but God has been good to keep us going strong. We have been pretty healthy. Our support has held up fairly well. We are very thankful for all who pray for us and sacrifice for us to continue serving here in Costa Rica. We are now approaching the end of the school year here in Costa Rica. We are praying and seeking the Lord for what the Lord would have us to do this next school year. We are looking forward to Thanksgiving this year and we will be celebrating with some missionary friends of ours. As we are writing this, we just received emails from the government which appear to say that both Elijah and Ellowyn are approved for 2 years of legal residency. The strange thing is that we have not yet received letters for the rest of the family. Hopefully, the other letters will arrive soon and we can finish up the final stretch of this very long process (nearly 2 years of waiting!).

This month, we are looking forward to making some more progress in the right direction. Please pray for the following requests:

1. That our residency and religious association processes will soon be approved by the government.

2. That we can help our church plant to take several more steps towards becoming an established church.

2. That God will bless our evangelism efforts, save souls, and add to His church.

In Christ,

Jeremy, Michelle, Lila, Ellowyn, and Elijah Blanz