Dear Friends and Family,
Happy new year! We trust that you have had a wonderful Christmas and new year celebration! As always, December was a busy month for us. We were privileged to be in 5 scheduled meetings in PA, NY, and FL. This brings a few more prospects for support. For the first time since starting deputation, we only have a few open services left between now and our departure date. Thankfully, we booked one of those dates in Northern GA. We have now finished and sent off our language school applications as well as all the paperwork for Lila and Ellowyn's passports. During our home time, we made sure to take care of several appointments. Unfortunately, Jeremy had a problem tooth that required extraction. OUCH! The socket is healing well and he is now back in action!
Perhaps the greatest part of December was the celebration of our Savior's birth! On Christmas morning, we always read the Bible before opening any presents. After reading a small portion of Scripture and thanking God for the birth of Jesus, Lila insisted that we read some more Bible before opening presents! Though she has such limited knowledge, it is our greatest desire to see her know the Lord at a young age. Ellowyn is also growing quickly and is now interacting with people and toys. During our church “family Christmas” service, we dedicated baby Ellie to the Lord. For Christmas Eve, we were able to see Jeremy's family in GA. Everyone enjoyed seeing baby Ellie and her big smiles! On Christmas day, we spent the day with Michelle's parents and grandparents in FL. It was a wonderful Christmas and will be our last one before leaving for Central America.
As we look forward to 2014, this is the year we move to Central America. We have now set our departure date for Monday, April 28th. We will also work on establishing a set-up fund to go towards the costs of getting established in Costa Rica for language school. During the month of January, will you please pray for the following:
1. The Lord to provide our remaining needed support by April 2014.
2. The Lord to help us finish deputation strong and be an encouragement to the churches that we are in.
3. The Lord to guide us as we make preparations for our departure in April.
Thank you for all of your prayers! May the Lord bless you!
In Christ,
Jeremy, Michelle, Lila, and Ellowyn Blanz
This is the blog website for Jeremy and Michelle Blanz, missionaries to Costa Rica with Baptist International Missions Incorporated (BIMI).
Monday, December 30, 2013
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
December 2013 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends and Family,
We trust that you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. For the most part, November was a great month, but it came with its share of difficulties as well. For the majority of our 3 week trip, we took turns feeling the effects of flu season. After the last meeting of our trip, we began our drive home from Michigan. During a hotel stay in Columbus, OH, we found that our car window had been smashed and hundreds of dollars in equipment was stolen. Thankfully, we were able to get a temporary fix to allow us to get home.
Although we suffered a slight setback, we thankful for what the Lord has done in November. We were privileged to be part of 1 missions conference and share our ministry in 6 other churches across the states of IN, OH, MI, NY, and FL. Between meetings, we drove over 4,000 miles. Despite having a relatively full calendar, we were able to add 2 more meetings and 1 missions conference. All of this work was not without fruit! In November, we saw 4 new supporting churches, 3 others commit to future support, as well as several other possible supporting churches. Praise the Lord!
During the week of Thanksgiving, we were able to do an early Thanksgiving meal with Jeremy's family in GA, then spend Thanksgiving with Michelle's family in TN. All of our family enjoyed meeting baby Ellie and seeing how Lila is growing up into such a sweet girl! Because we will be leaving for Nicaragua in April, this is our last Thanksgiving here in the US (apart from furlough). More than ever, we are reminded to “be thankful in all things, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.”
As we move into December, let us remember that Christmas is about Christ, the greatest Gift ever given (John 3:16). Let us remember His Great Commission as we share the gift of Christ with the world. This month, please pray:
1. The Lord will provide our remaining support by April 2014.
2. That we will be sensitive to every opportunity the Lord gives us to share the Gospel with those around us.
3. The Lord will help us as we secure passports and prepare for our April departure.
In Christ,
Jeremy, Michelle, Lila, and Ellowyn Blanz
Friday, November 8, 2013
November 2013 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends and Family,
November is here and Thanksgiving is coming soon! We have so much to thank God for! The last few months, we have requested prayer for Michelle and our unborn daughter. Just after midnight on Sunday morning, October 13th, Michelle gave birth to our new baby! Ellowyn Marie Blanz, also known as Ellie, was born at 7 lbs, 9 oz and 21” long! Ellie spent an extra day in the hospital for phototherapy, but is now doing quite well. Michelle is also recovering quite well. Lila is very loving towards her little sister and constantly wants to be with “baby Ellie!”
Despite having a baby and several follow-up appointments, we have done our best to keep on full steam ahead. We were privileged to be in two missions conferences, both of which are strong prospects for support. Jeremy was able to book 7 more meetings, including one more missions conference, in the states of FL, GA, MI, and CT. As we set our sights upon language school, Jeremy is preparing our application for language school in Costa Rica for Spring 2014. We still have about 20% more support to raise, but we are trusting in the Lord's provision. During our time at home, we enjoyed being able to spend a little time in our home church, teach Sunday School, be involved in prayer meetings, and help in door to door visitation. We believe best way to maintain a burden for the foreign mission field is to stay involved in reaching our home field.
We appreciate all of your prayers and support! Last month, God answered prayer in giving Michelle a safe delivery and a healthy baby girl. This month, please pray for the following:
1. That Ellie has good health and for Michelle to have a quick recovery.
2. That the Lord provide our remaining support by April 2014.
3. That the Lord help us to be an encouragement and blessing to the churches we have the privilege of being in.
In Christ,
Jeremy, Michelle, Lila, and Ellowyn Blanz

November is here and Thanksgiving is coming soon! We have so much to thank God for! The last few months, we have requested prayer for Michelle and our unborn daughter. Just after midnight on Sunday morning, October 13th, Michelle gave birth to our new baby! Ellowyn Marie Blanz, also known as Ellie, was born at 7 lbs, 9 oz and 21” long! Ellie spent an extra day in the hospital for phototherapy, but is now doing quite well. Michelle is also recovering quite well. Lila is very loving towards her little sister and constantly wants to be with “baby Ellie!”
Despite having a baby and several follow-up appointments, we have done our best to keep on full steam ahead. We were privileged to be in two missions conferences, both of which are strong prospects for support. Jeremy was able to book 7 more meetings, including one more missions conference, in the states of FL, GA, MI, and CT. As we set our sights upon language school, Jeremy is preparing our application for language school in Costa Rica for Spring 2014. We still have about 20% more support to raise, but we are trusting in the Lord's provision. During our time at home, we enjoyed being able to spend a little time in our home church, teach Sunday School, be involved in prayer meetings, and help in door to door visitation. We believe best way to maintain a burden for the foreign mission field is to stay involved in reaching our home field.
We appreciate all of your prayers and support! Last month, God answered prayer in giving Michelle a safe delivery and a healthy baby girl. This month, please pray for the following:
1. That Ellie has good health and for Michelle to have a quick recovery.
2. That the Lord provide our remaining support by April 2014.
3. That the Lord help us to be an encouragement and blessing to the churches we have the privilege of being in.
In Christ,
Jeremy, Michelle, Lila, and Ellowyn Blanz

Tuesday, October 1, 2013
October 2013 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends and Family,
Fall is here and things are picking up! Each month that passes brings us closer to our goal! Last month, we saw 1 new supporting church and several other potential supporters. Although, Michelle and Lila could not travel during this time, Jeremy drove well over 4,200 miles in September! He had meetings in 5 churches, including 1 missions conference, in the states of NJ, PA, MD, MI, and TN. During some time on the phones, we were able to book several more meetings in FL. As for deputation, we are getting much closer to seeing the finish line. Though we have not officially set a departure date as of yet, we are working out the details to leave in Spring 2014!
Last month, we spent some time preparing both our home and our car (AKA our second home) for our next baby girl. Michelle is due on October 2nd, so we should see our second baby girl any day! We were also able to celebrate Lila's second birthday! She is growing into a very sweet little girl! During our time at home, it was a blessing to be here for our 2013 missions month at our home church. It is so exciting to see how we can have a part in supporting missionaries all over the world! We serve such an amazing God! Though we long to be in Nicaragua, we must always remember that our present missions field is wherever the Lord has us at each moment. It never fails to do our heart good to be involved in telling people about our Savior, Jesus Christ!
Over the last few weeks, the Lord has greatly impressed upon us the need to pray. As we look upon the state of our communities, our nation, and our world- we desperately need God to to an amazing work. The only answer for the problems of this world is Jesus Christ! Will you pray for us as we seek to bring the Gospel of Salvation to those who have never heard? This month, please pray for:
1. Michelle and our second baby due on October 2nd.
2. The Lord to use us as a blessing and encouragement to the churches we have the privilege of meeting.
3. The Lord to guide, direct, and supply our support needed to bring the Gospel to Nicaragua.
In Christ,
Jeremy, Michelle, and Lila Blanz
Fall is here and things are picking up! Each month that passes brings us closer to our goal! Last month, we saw 1 new supporting church and several other potential supporters. Although, Michelle and Lila could not travel during this time, Jeremy drove well over 4,200 miles in September! He had meetings in 5 churches, including 1 missions conference, in the states of NJ, PA, MD, MI, and TN. During some time on the phones, we were able to book several more meetings in FL. As for deputation, we are getting much closer to seeing the finish line. Though we have not officially set a departure date as of yet, we are working out the details to leave in Spring 2014!
Last month, we spent some time preparing both our home and our car (AKA our second home) for our next baby girl. Michelle is due on October 2nd, so we should see our second baby girl any day! We were also able to celebrate Lila's second birthday! She is growing into a very sweet little girl! During our time at home, it was a blessing to be here for our 2013 missions month at our home church. It is so exciting to see how we can have a part in supporting missionaries all over the world! We serve such an amazing God! Though we long to be in Nicaragua, we must always remember that our present missions field is wherever the Lord has us at each moment. It never fails to do our heart good to be involved in telling people about our Savior, Jesus Christ!
Over the last few weeks, the Lord has greatly impressed upon us the need to pray. As we look upon the state of our communities, our nation, and our world- we desperately need God to to an amazing work. The only answer for the problems of this world is Jesus Christ! Will you pray for us as we seek to bring the Gospel of Salvation to those who have never heard? This month, please pray for:
1. Michelle and our second baby due on October 2nd.
2. The Lord to use us as a blessing and encouragement to the churches we have the privilege of meeting.
3. The Lord to guide, direct, and supply our support needed to bring the Gospel to Nicaragua.
In Christ,
Jeremy, Michelle, and Lila Blanz
Monday, September 2, 2013
September 2013 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends and Family,
Summer is nearly over and we are ready for the weather to cool down! August was another busy, yet fruitful month for us. Last month, we were in scheduled meetings in 8 churches in the states of TN, WV, OH, PA, and NY. Jeremy also got to speak at a Senior service, preach at a new church plant, and bring the devotion to a Men's prayer breakfast! Between meetings, we drove well over 5,300 miles! In the month of August, we saw 5 new supporters and several churches that are good possibilities. During our time in WV, Jeremy was able to help out with youth visitation. It is always exciting to see the different ways that churches bring the gospel into the community! Despite our calendar filling up, we were still able to squeeze in some more meetings in NY, FL, and MI.
Although traveling can be very exhausting, it also has its perks! During our time in Western New York, we were able to take a family day and see Niagara Falls! Because Michelle is due for our second baby on October 2nd, she stayed home for a few meetings. This was a good opportunity to work on potty training Lila. While it is difficult to do now, it will pay off once we start traveling with two little ones! During Jeremy's time in WV, he was able to see a college friend who helped us with the Kids Club Evangelism ministry. He has now graduated Bible College and is a teacher in China! So many of our co-laborers in that ministry are now serving the Lord all over the world! It is always exciting to see how God will use his faithful servants!
As we head into September, please keep us in prayer. This month, please pray for the following:
1. Michelle and her pregnancy as we approach her due date- October 2nd
2. Jeremy- as he finishes his last two trips before the baby comes.
3. That the Lord will continue to guide, direct, and provide the support needed for us to begin our ministry in Nicaragua
In Christ,
Jeremy and Michelle Blanz
Summer is nearly over and we are ready for the weather to cool down! August was another busy, yet fruitful month for us. Last month, we were in scheduled meetings in 8 churches in the states of TN, WV, OH, PA, and NY. Jeremy also got to speak at a Senior service, preach at a new church plant, and bring the devotion to a Men's prayer breakfast! Between meetings, we drove well over 5,300 miles! In the month of August, we saw 5 new supporters and several churches that are good possibilities. During our time in WV, Jeremy was able to help out with youth visitation. It is always exciting to see the different ways that churches bring the gospel into the community! Despite our calendar filling up, we were still able to squeeze in some more meetings in NY, FL, and MI.
Although traveling can be very exhausting, it also has its perks! During our time in Western New York, we were able to take a family day and see Niagara Falls! Because Michelle is due for our second baby on October 2nd, she stayed home for a few meetings. This was a good opportunity to work on potty training Lila. While it is difficult to do now, it will pay off once we start traveling with two little ones! During Jeremy's time in WV, he was able to see a college friend who helped us with the Kids Club Evangelism ministry. He has now graduated Bible College and is a teacher in China! So many of our co-laborers in that ministry are now serving the Lord all over the world! It is always exciting to see how God will use his faithful servants!
As we head into September, please keep us in prayer. This month, please pray for the following:
1. Michelle and her pregnancy as we approach her due date- October 2nd
2. Jeremy- as he finishes his last two trips before the baby comes.
3. That the Lord will continue to guide, direct, and provide the support needed for us to begin our ministry in Nicaragua
In Christ,
Jeremy and Michelle Blanz
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Unable to Receive Calls until Monday, August 19th
I will be unable to receive calls until Monday, August 19th. If you need to reach me, you can do one of the following:
1. Call my phone and leave a voicemail. I can receive voicemails, and I will return the call using a google voice phone number.
2. Send me an email at . I check my email regularly, and I can get back to you by either phone or email.
1. Call my phone and leave a voicemail. I can receive voicemails, and I will return the call using a google voice phone number.
2. Send me an email at . I check my email regularly, and I can get back to you by either phone or email.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
August 2013 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends and Family,
It seems like it was just last week that we were writing our July prayer letter. July has come and gone incredibly fast. This last month, we were incredibly busy. We were privileged to have 12 scheduled meetings in 10 churches in PA, MD, IN, MI, and NY as well as 1 drop-in service in GA! Apart from presenting our ministry and preaching, we were able to help churches with soul-winning, VBS visitation, digging, assisting in concrete work, and even pruning. In between meetings, we drove over 3,700 miles. Jeremy was able to book 7 new meetings, plus one missions conference. In July, we saw 4 new supporters and received good news that 4 more churches have committed to support our ministry! God is good!
During our time in Uniontown, PA, we were able to celebrate the 4th of July and see a small fireworks display. While Lila enjoyed the bouncy house that was set up, she did not like the fireworks one bit! Lila is really growing into a sweet little girl. Frequently, she asks to go to church. Sometimes, instead of going to the nursery, she gets to go to Sunday School. She really likes that. She especially likes to sing “Jesus loves me” and the “B-I-B-I-B-I,” otherwise known as the “B-I-B-L-E.” As she learns to speak, she often has her own versions of words and phrases. Michelle has now entered her third trimester of pregnancy and will be done traveling very soon. She really enjoyed our time in the UP of Michigan. During our time with one family, we saw over 16 wild turkeys, several deer, and even a black bear right in the back yard! We all enjoyed that!
We are very thankful for every church and individual that supports and/or prays for our ministry! For the month of August, please pray for the following:
1. Michelle and Lila at home while Jeremy does a bit more traveling.
2. Michelle as she gets closer to her October 2nd due date.
3. For safety as Jeremy continues to travel.
4. That the Lord will send laborers into His harvest in Nicaragua.
In Christ,
Jeremy and Michelle Blanz
It seems like it was just last week that we were writing our July prayer letter. July has come and gone incredibly fast. This last month, we were incredibly busy. We were privileged to have 12 scheduled meetings in 10 churches in PA, MD, IN, MI, and NY as well as 1 drop-in service in GA! Apart from presenting our ministry and preaching, we were able to help churches with soul-winning, VBS visitation, digging, assisting in concrete work, and even pruning. In between meetings, we drove over 3,700 miles. Jeremy was able to book 7 new meetings, plus one missions conference. In July, we saw 4 new supporters and received good news that 4 more churches have committed to support our ministry! God is good!
During our time in Uniontown, PA, we were able to celebrate the 4th of July and see a small fireworks display. While Lila enjoyed the bouncy house that was set up, she did not like the fireworks one bit! Lila is really growing into a sweet little girl. Frequently, she asks to go to church. Sometimes, instead of going to the nursery, she gets to go to Sunday School. She really likes that. She especially likes to sing “Jesus loves me” and the “B-I-B-I-B-I,” otherwise known as the “B-I-B-L-E.” As she learns to speak, she often has her own versions of words and phrases. Michelle has now entered her third trimester of pregnancy and will be done traveling very soon. She really enjoyed our time in the UP of Michigan. During our time with one family, we saw over 16 wild turkeys, several deer, and even a black bear right in the back yard! We all enjoyed that!
We are very thankful for every church and individual that supports and/or prays for our ministry! For the month of August, please pray for the following:
1. Michelle and Lila at home while Jeremy does a bit more traveling.
2. Michelle as she gets closer to her October 2nd due date.
3. For safety as Jeremy continues to travel.
4. That the Lord will send laborers into His harvest in Nicaragua.
In Christ,
Jeremy and Michelle Blanz
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
From now until July 30th, 2013...
I will most likely have no phone service from now until July 30th, 2013. If you need to contact me, please email me at . If you have left me a voicemail sometime over the last few days, I will probably not get it until July 29th or 30th. Thank you!
Saturday, July 6, 2013
July 2013 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends and Family,
It's hard to believe we are now more than halfway through 2013! While June is often a bit slower for missionaries, we have managed to stay quite busy! Last month, we had 8 scheduled meetings in 5 churches. Several of these churches are strong possibilities for future support! During the times that we did not have a service scheduled, we dropped in a couple of other churches as well. Our travels have taken us into MI, IN, NC, and NJ for well over 3,500 miles of driving. During these summer months, we thank the Lord for a good working AC in our car! Jeremy was also able to spend a decent bit of time on the phones booking some meetings in MI, IN, PA, NY, and even MA!
During the week we had at home, we were able to spend some time at our home church during camp meeting. Jeremy was also able to be part of the men's prayer breakfast. Apart from seeing some family and friends in Jacksonville, it was good to see some friends in NC. We also got to spend some time with Jeremy's family in GA. These seemingly small things mean all the world to missionaries who are on the road for months at a time! After being gone for so much of the last few months, we took some time to clean the house and get it ready for our next baby, who is due in early October.
As we move into July, we are looking at another very busy month. Apart from driving home for a pre-natal appointment, we do not have a single open service in July. We are praying that through these churches, God will supply our need to get to Nicaragua. For the month of July, please pray for the following:
1. Michelle and her pregnancy
2. For God to quickly provide our remaining needed support.
3. That God will help us to share Christ with those we meet on our travels.
4. That God will guide and direct us as we continue booking meetings.
In Christ,
Jeremy and Michelle Blanz
It's hard to believe we are now more than halfway through 2013! While June is often a bit slower for missionaries, we have managed to stay quite busy! Last month, we had 8 scheduled meetings in 5 churches. Several of these churches are strong possibilities for future support! During the times that we did not have a service scheduled, we dropped in a couple of other churches as well. Our travels have taken us into MI, IN, NC, and NJ for well over 3,500 miles of driving. During these summer months, we thank the Lord for a good working AC in our car! Jeremy was also able to spend a decent bit of time on the phones booking some meetings in MI, IN, PA, NY, and even MA!
During the week we had at home, we were able to spend some time at our home church during camp meeting. Jeremy was also able to be part of the men's prayer breakfast. Apart from seeing some family and friends in Jacksonville, it was good to see some friends in NC. We also got to spend some time with Jeremy's family in GA. These seemingly small things mean all the world to missionaries who are on the road for months at a time! After being gone for so much of the last few months, we took some time to clean the house and get it ready for our next baby, who is due in early October.
As we move into July, we are looking at another very busy month. Apart from driving home for a pre-natal appointment, we do not have a single open service in July. We are praying that through these churches, God will supply our need to get to Nicaragua. For the month of July, please pray for the following:
1. Michelle and her pregnancy
2. For God to quickly provide our remaining needed support.
3. That God will help us to share Christ with those we meet on our travels.
4. That God will guide and direct us as we continue booking meetings.
In Christ,
Jeremy and Michelle Blanz
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
June 2013 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends and Family,
As we are moving into Summer 2013, we are keeping a full schedule! Last month, we were privileged to be a part of 1 missions conference and 8 other scheduled meetings in NJ, MD, PA, and MI. We drove over 3,500 miles and our car continues to hold up! We saw 2 new supporting churches as well as many other possible supporters. With our schedule beginning to slow down just a bit, we were able to put in some time on the phones and book a few new meetings in NJ, NY, PA, and MI.
During our time in a missions conference with Calvary Ind. Baptist Church in Morton, PA, we were able to take a trip to downtown Philadelphia. We got to see the Liberty Bell and Congress Hall and, of course, eat some Philly cheese steaks! Lila is also beginning to talk more and more with a rapidly growing vocabulary! She opens up many doors for us to witness to others and pass out tracts. Michelle is also beginning to “show” her pregnancy much more. During her most recent prenatal appointment, we learned that we would be having a GIRL! We are excited and looking forward to seeing her sometime near the due date of October 2nd.
During our time on deputation, God has shown himself to be faithful to keep His hand on us and provide all of our needs. As we look forward to raising the remainder of our needed support, we are confident that He will provide our needs. We must remember that He is our provider as we remain faithful. This month, please pray for:
1. Michelle during her pregnancy and our travels.
2. The Lord's guidance as we work to fill the remaining dates on our calendar.
3. The Lord will help us to be a blessing and encouragement to the churches and families we minister to.
In Christ,
Jeremy and Michelle Blanz
As we are moving into Summer 2013, we are keeping a full schedule! Last month, we were privileged to be a part of 1 missions conference and 8 other scheduled meetings in NJ, MD, PA, and MI. We drove over 3,500 miles and our car continues to hold up! We saw 2 new supporting churches as well as many other possible supporters. With our schedule beginning to slow down just a bit, we were able to put in some time on the phones and book a few new meetings in NJ, NY, PA, and MI.
During our time in a missions conference with Calvary Ind. Baptist Church in Morton, PA, we were able to take a trip to downtown Philadelphia. We got to see the Liberty Bell and Congress Hall and, of course, eat some Philly cheese steaks! Lila is also beginning to talk more and more with a rapidly growing vocabulary! She opens up many doors for us to witness to others and pass out tracts. Michelle is also beginning to “show” her pregnancy much more. During her most recent prenatal appointment, we learned that we would be having a GIRL! We are excited and looking forward to seeing her sometime near the due date of October 2nd.
During our time on deputation, God has shown himself to be faithful to keep His hand on us and provide all of our needs. As we look forward to raising the remainder of our needed support, we are confident that He will provide our needs. We must remember that He is our provider as we remain faithful. This month, please pray for:
1. Michelle during her pregnancy and our travels.
2. The Lord's guidance as we work to fill the remaining dates on our calendar.
3. The Lord will help us to be a blessing and encouragement to the churches and families we minister to.
In Christ,
Jeremy and Michelle Blanz
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
May 2013 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends and Family,
April was a very busy month for us. Last month, we were privileged to be a part of 4 missions conferences and 5 other meetings for a total of 23 church services. Michelle and I were also involved in teaching Sunday School and childrens' church, speaking in Christian school chapel and a ladies meeting, as well as helping out with door to door visitation and church repair. Somewhere in between, we found time to make calls, eat, sleep, and breathe! Between our meetings in IL, MI, IN, PA, and NJ, we drove over 3,000 miles last month. All of this labor was not without reward. We were pleased to see that 4 new churches have begun supporting us as well as $555 new monthly support promised! It is so exciting to be getting so much closer to beginning our ministry in Nicaragua!
Although, we were very busy last month, we were also able to enjoy doing some things we would not normally be able to do. One church had taken us to the Sight and Sound theater, where we saw the Noah production. Also, Jeremy was taken to a Phillies baseball game. Michelle was able to go on a couple shopping trips with ladies from the churches. As for Lila, she makes new friends everywhere she goes. She has also become quite the missionary too! At one conference, Lila grabbed our prayer cards and gave one to every one we met. As the children came to our table, we were supposed to sign and stamp their missions conference “passport.” At one point, Lila politely grabbed another child's passport booklet, then grabbed a pen off of our table. She then proceeded to attempt to sign the child's booklet.
Thank you for all of your prayers! After 2 ½ months of non-stop travel, we will finally get to go home for a few days before hitting the road again. This month, please pray:
1. That the Lord will continue to help Michelle during pregnancy and traveling.
2. That the Lord will help us to book more meetings to fill our calendar.
3. That the Lord will help us to quickly raise the remaining support needed.
In Christ,
Jeremy and Michelle Blanz
April was a very busy month for us. Last month, we were privileged to be a part of 4 missions conferences and 5 other meetings for a total of 23 church services. Michelle and I were also involved in teaching Sunday School and childrens' church, speaking in Christian school chapel and a ladies meeting, as well as helping out with door to door visitation and church repair. Somewhere in between, we found time to make calls, eat, sleep, and breathe! Between our meetings in IL, MI, IN, PA, and NJ, we drove over 3,000 miles last month. All of this labor was not without reward. We were pleased to see that 4 new churches have begun supporting us as well as $555 new monthly support promised! It is so exciting to be getting so much closer to beginning our ministry in Nicaragua!
Although, we were very busy last month, we were also able to enjoy doing some things we would not normally be able to do. One church had taken us to the Sight and Sound theater, where we saw the Noah production. Also, Jeremy was taken to a Phillies baseball game. Michelle was able to go on a couple shopping trips with ladies from the churches. As for Lila, she makes new friends everywhere she goes. She has also become quite the missionary too! At one conference, Lila grabbed our prayer cards and gave one to every one we met. As the children came to our table, we were supposed to sign and stamp their missions conference “passport.” At one point, Lila politely grabbed another child's passport booklet, then grabbed a pen off of our table. She then proceeded to attempt to sign the child's booklet.
Thank you for all of your prayers! After 2 ½ months of non-stop travel, we will finally get to go home for a few days before hitting the road again. This month, please pray:
1. That the Lord will continue to help Michelle during pregnancy and traveling.
2. That the Lord will help us to book more meetings to fill our calendar.
3. That the Lord will help us to quickly raise the remaining support needed.
In Christ,
Jeremy and Michelle Blanz
Friday, April 5, 2013
April 2013 Prayer Letter
Dear Family and Friends,
During our time in Chambersburg, PA, we were privileged to help out with bus visitation with New Testament Baptist Church. It was the first day of fishing season. While the locals were excited to fish in the nearby streams, we were out fishing for men! I was amazed at how many people were open to hearing the Biblical plan of salvation. Though there are things in life I may regret, there has never been a time that I have regretted serving God with my life. What a privilege it is to serve the risen Savior!
Between four missions conferences, four other meetings, and one church we dropped into, we were in 25 church services last month! Three new churches have planned to take us on for support, and a few others are also possible future supporters. We drove over 3,600 miles as we had meetings in TN, KY, OH, MI, and PA. We were used in a variety of capacities from bus visitation, soul winning, teaching Sunday School and Children's Church, preaching missions and even on Easter Sunday!
On March 13th, Michelle and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary. I am so thankful to have a wife who loves the Lord! Proverbs 31:10 says, “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” And after all the snowstorms we have been through, I may also quote verse 21: “She is not afraid of the snow for her household...” Later in the month, we were able to see historic Gettysburg, PA. During our time with the Duffy family in KY, Lila had her first Easter candy hunt! Perhaps the biggest surprise, was to find out that we will be having another baby! His or her due date is on October 2nd.
Thank you for all of your prayers! As we travel, we rely upon the prayers of others and the faithfulness of the Lord to provide our needs. Please pray for:
1. Michelle and our new baby as we travel
2. The Lord to help us fill the remaining openings on our calendar
3. That our remaining support will come in quickly
4. That the Lord will continue to use us as witnesses as we travel
In Christ,
Jeremy and Michelle Blanz
During our time in Chambersburg, PA, we were privileged to help out with bus visitation with New Testament Baptist Church. It was the first day of fishing season. While the locals were excited to fish in the nearby streams, we were out fishing for men! I was amazed at how many people were open to hearing the Biblical plan of salvation. Though there are things in life I may regret, there has never been a time that I have regretted serving God with my life. What a privilege it is to serve the risen Savior!
Between four missions conferences, four other meetings, and one church we dropped into, we were in 25 church services last month! Three new churches have planned to take us on for support, and a few others are also possible future supporters. We drove over 3,600 miles as we had meetings in TN, KY, OH, MI, and PA. We were used in a variety of capacities from bus visitation, soul winning, teaching Sunday School and Children's Church, preaching missions and even on Easter Sunday!
On March 13th, Michelle and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary. I am so thankful to have a wife who loves the Lord! Proverbs 31:10 says, “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” And after all the snowstorms we have been through, I may also quote verse 21: “She is not afraid of the snow for her household...” Later in the month, we were able to see historic Gettysburg, PA. During our time with the Duffy family in KY, Lila had her first Easter candy hunt! Perhaps the biggest surprise, was to find out that we will be having another baby! His or her due date is on October 2nd.
Thank you for all of your prayers! As we travel, we rely upon the prayers of others and the faithfulness of the Lord to provide our needs. Please pray for:
1. Michelle and our new baby as we travel
2. The Lord to help us fill the remaining openings on our calendar
3. That our remaining support will come in quickly
4. That the Lord will continue to use us as witnesses as we travel
In Christ,
Jeremy and Michelle Blanz
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
March 2013 Prayer Letter
Dear Family and Friends,
While January allowed us to catch our breath, February has been very busy! During February, we were privileged to be in 8 scheduled meetings in KY, WV, OH, MD, PA, and NJ, as we as three other churches! We drove over 4,200 miles, averaging over 150 miles per day! The Lord provided 2 new supporting churches, and several other churches which may provide future support. Near the end of the month, we had a few days at home to restock and repack for our next 10 week marathon! From late February until early May, we have 54 services scheduled between 8 missions conferences and 12 other church meetings.
As we saw Valentines Day approaching, we happened to be very close to Washington, DC. We had a the perfect opportunity to celebrate Valentines day (a couple days early) in DC. Apparently, we picked the right day to see Lincoln's Memorial. We just happened to be there for the celebration of Lincoln's birthday! Jeremy had the privilege to preach a Valentines Banquet at Victory Baptist Church in Homer City, PA. We are thankful that we serve a God who has proved his love for us in sacrificing His only begotten Son! It is our desire to love one another as Christ has loved us! As Jeremy drove home to GA, he drove through some very thick snow in PA. To make matters worse, the car's engine began shaking very badly and running rough. Thankfully, after a short while, the car ran well again and Jeremy was able to return home. Eventually, we were able to diagnose the problem and replace the front ignition coil, which seems to have fixed the problem.
We are so thankful to have people all over the world who pray for us! Last month, we asked you to pray for a man named Johnny, who received the Lord as his Savior. He has recently been baptized and attending church regularly. Praise God! This month, please pray for the following:
1. That Johnny will join the church and continue growing in the Lord.
2. That the Lord will provide safety as we travel.
3. That the Lord will enable us to quickly raise the remainder of our support.
In Christ,
Jeremy and Michelle Blanz
February 2013 Prayer Letter
Dear Family and Friends,
January was an exciting month for us. We saw 3 new supporting churches, one church that has given a large one-time support offering, as well as one other church promise future support. January is usually a bit slower as far as traveling is concerned. We had three scheduled meetings in FL and WV. With some extra time on the phones, we were able to book 16 meetings in the states of NC, WV, IN, MI, PA, and NJ. We now have several months completely booked and a few more that are almost fully booked. We are on our way to a very busy year of deputation!
During our time in WV, we were able to see more than our fair share of snow! Thankfully, we were able to get in and get out without any hindrance to our drive. During our time at home, we were able to catch up with some friends and family. We also had the opportunity to speak to both our teens and children at our home church. Jeremy always enjoys getting to be a part of our weekly door-to-door visitation. Last month, we told you of Johnny, who received the Lord as his Savior. In January, he came to church and expressed desire to do right. We hope that he will follow the Lord in believers baptism and join the church.
Thank you for all of your prayers! We know that the Lord has been faithful to keep us safe and provide for every need! This upcoming month, we will be traveling from TN to KY, WV, OH, MD, PA, and NJ. Please pray for the following:
1. Johnny to grow in the faith, be baptized, and join the church
2. That the Lord will give us protection as we travel
3. That the Lord will help us raise the remainder of our support by the end of the year.
In Christ,
Jeremy and Michelle Blanz
January was an exciting month for us. We saw 3 new supporting churches, one church that has given a large one-time support offering, as well as one other church promise future support. January is usually a bit slower as far as traveling is concerned. We had three scheduled meetings in FL and WV. With some extra time on the phones, we were able to book 16 meetings in the states of NC, WV, IN, MI, PA, and NJ. We now have several months completely booked and a few more that are almost fully booked. We are on our way to a very busy year of deputation!
During our time in WV, we were able to see more than our fair share of snow! Thankfully, we were able to get in and get out without any hindrance to our drive. During our time at home, we were able to catch up with some friends and family. We also had the opportunity to speak to both our teens and children at our home church. Jeremy always enjoys getting to be a part of our weekly door-to-door visitation. Last month, we told you of Johnny, who received the Lord as his Savior. In January, he came to church and expressed desire to do right. We hope that he will follow the Lord in believers baptism and join the church.
Thank you for all of your prayers! We know that the Lord has been faithful to keep us safe and provide for every need! This upcoming month, we will be traveling from TN to KY, WV, OH, MD, PA, and NJ. Please pray for the following:
1. Johnny to grow in the faith, be baptized, and join the church
2. That the Lord will give us protection as we travel
3. That the Lord will help us raise the remainder of our support by the end of the year.
In Christ,
Jeremy and Michelle Blanz
Thursday, January 3, 2013
New Prayer Card Design
During our time at home between Christmas and New Years Day, I was able to work on some other things, such as redesigning our prayer cards. There are a few other things with minor changes as well. Finally, Lila gets to be on the prayer card!
January 2013 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends and Family,
We trust that you have had a wonderful Christmas. It is now 2013, and the
Lord is surely going to do amazing things! As for us, we were able to privileged to present our ministry in one church in Alabama and two churches in North Carolina. After getting home, we were able to catch up on phone calls and correspondence. Jeremy was able to book several more meetings in MI, NC, OH, MD, VA, and PA. The slowing down of December was also the perfect time to redesign our prayer cards and include a new picture with Lila. We will receive another batch of 5,000 in a week or two. We also took the time to update our letterhead with Lila as well. As of the end of December 2012, we now have 50% of our support and another 16% that is promised!
After being gone for well over two months, it was good to be home! Shortly
after getting home, we discovered what looked like several bug bites on Lila. After a trip to the doctor, we discovered that she had Chicken Pox! She had a tough two weeks, but I am thankful that it happened while we were at home! For Christmas Eve, we were able to see Michelle's Parents. Other than a short trip for Jeremy to see his family, we celebrated Christmas Day at home. Our time at home was a great opportunity to visit our home church and be involved in our visitation outreach. During the last Saturday in December, Jeremy was able to lead a man named Johnny to the Lord. It is our responsibility to be faithful, but it is God that gives the increase!
We want to thank each of you for your continued prayer and support. We
were so blessed by many churches and individuals that gave us a special
Christmas missions offering! As we enter 2013, we are determined to use this year for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ! This month, please pray:
1. That the Lord will guide Johnny as he grows in the faith
2. That the Lord will help us to fill the remainder of our 2013 calendar
3. That the Lord will help us to raise our remaining needed support quickly
In Christ,
Jeremy and Michelle Blanz
We trust that you have had a wonderful Christmas. It is now 2013, and the
Lord is surely going to do amazing things! As for us, we were able to privileged to present our ministry in one church in Alabama and two churches in North Carolina. After getting home, we were able to catch up on phone calls and correspondence. Jeremy was able to book several more meetings in MI, NC, OH, MD, VA, and PA. The slowing down of December was also the perfect time to redesign our prayer cards and include a new picture with Lila. We will receive another batch of 5,000 in a week or two. We also took the time to update our letterhead with Lila as well. As of the end of December 2012, we now have 50% of our support and another 16% that is promised!
After being gone for well over two months, it was good to be home! Shortly
after getting home, we discovered what looked like several bug bites on Lila. After a trip to the doctor, we discovered that she had Chicken Pox! She had a tough two weeks, but I am thankful that it happened while we were at home! For Christmas Eve, we were able to see Michelle's Parents. Other than a short trip for Jeremy to see his family, we celebrated Christmas Day at home. Our time at home was a great opportunity to visit our home church and be involved in our visitation outreach. During the last Saturday in December, Jeremy was able to lead a man named Johnny to the Lord. It is our responsibility to be faithful, but it is God that gives the increase!
We want to thank each of you for your continued prayer and support. We
were so blessed by many churches and individuals that gave us a special
Christmas missions offering! As we enter 2013, we are determined to use this year for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ! This month, please pray:
1. That the Lord will guide Johnny as he grows in the faith
2. That the Lord will help us to fill the remainder of our 2013 calendar
3. That the Lord will help us to raise our remaining needed support quickly
In Christ,
Jeremy and Michelle Blanz
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